No. Type of Card Limit for PB Visa/Mastercard/
UnionPay Lifestyle Debit /RCB Gold/RCB Elite Debit Card
Default Limit Lowest Limit Highest Limit Change of Limit
1 ATM/CRM Cash Withdrawal Limit RM5,000 RM1,000 RM5,000
  • Cardholders are allowed to change the withdrawal limit from RM1,000.00 to RM5,000.00 (in multiples of RM1,000.00) at any of the PBB/PIBB’s ATMs or CRMs.
  • The limit of RM5,000.00 per card per day for ATM/CRM cash withdrawals inclusive of funds transfer(s), MyDebit and subject to the availability of funds in the respective account(s).
2 Retail Purchase Limit RM5,000 RM0 RM10,000
  • Cardholders are allowed to change the retail purchase limit from RM0.00 to RM10,000.00 (in multiples of RM100.00) via PBe or at any of the PBB/PIBB’s ATMs or CRMs.


3 Contactless Cumulative Limit RM500 RM0 RM1,000
  • Cardholders are allowed to change the contactless cumulative limit from RM0.00 to RM1,000.00 (in multiples of RM10.00) via PBe or at any of the PBB/PIBB’s ATMs or CRMs.
  • Card purchases which exceed RM250.00 will require PIN for security purposes.
4 ATM/CRM Fund Transfer Limit RM10,000 RM5,000 RM30,000
  • Cardholders are allowed to set the fund transfer limit from RM10,000.00 to RM30,000.00 (in multiples of RM5,000.00) via PBe or at any of the PBB/PIBB’s ATMs or CRMs.
  • The limit of RM30,000.00 per card per day for ATM fund transfer inclusive of ATM cash withdrawal, MyDebit and subject to the availability of funds in the respective account(s).