Account (Account Summary)

What can I view from my Account Summary?

You will be able to access the full summary of your accounts:

  1. Savings / Current Account
  2. Fixed Deposit / Term Deposit-i Account
  3. Credit / Debit Card
  4. Loan / Financing Account
  5. Vehicle Financing Account
  6. Gold Investment Account
  7. Sharelink Account
I have another account with Public Bank but the account is not listed in my Account Summary. How do I add my account to be viewable at MyPB?

You can add your Public Bank accounts via Side Menu > Settings > Profile > Add/Delete Account. You are required to perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Add Account” button.
  2. Select the “Account Type” that you prefer to add.
  3. Input the necessary details and click “Next” to proceed.
  4. Select your preferred authentication method and click “Confirm” to authenticate the transaction.
  5. You will be displayed with a successful acknowledgement screen.
How do I view my transaction history?

You can view your transaction history by clicking on the desired account type on the account summary page, selecting the account number and clicking the “Transaction History” button at the right panel.

How far back can I track transactions in MyPB?

Transaction history for Current and Savings Accounts, Deposits, Cards and Investments can be tracked for up to 6 months, while Loans and Financing transaction history can be tracked for up to a year.

What is the Set Nickname feature?

You can also set a nickname tied to the account number. This nickname will be reflected on all of the Bank’s digital channels (i.e. PBe, PB engage and MyPB App). Kindly note that the nickname is for your reference only. The recipient will not see the nickname.

What does “Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor” mean?

PIDM stands for Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia. Not all account type is protected by PIDM (e.g. Share Link Account, Credit Card.) When you see the note, this means the account selected is protected by PIDM. For more information, kindly visit