Browse by Topic
- Overview
- Home
- Security Concerns
- Account (Account Summary)
- Accounts (Statement)
- Transaction Authentication - PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication - SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Card
- Pay Bill
- Pay Loan / Financing
- Prepaid Top Up
- DuitNow ID
- Cash Advance
- Redraw Facility
- Balance Transfer
- Change Password
- Change Mailing Address
- Add/Delete Account
- Change Personal Login Phrase
- Request Cheque Book
- Stop Cheque Request
- Enquire Cheque Status
- Register Positive Pay
- Terminate Positive Pay
- Insert Positive Pay
- Enquire Positive Pay
- Create PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card PIN
- Create Credit Card PIN
- Renew PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card
- Update Credit Card Information
- Cancel / Report Lost Card
- Card Opt Out / In Status
- Overseas ATM Withdrawal
- Contactless Transaction Alert Limit
- MyDebit Limit
- DuitNow Online Banking / Wallets
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Unexplained Funds In Account
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
MyPB App
- Overview
- Security Concerns
- Home
- Account (Account Summary)
- Transaction Authentication : PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication : SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Bill
- Scan (QR)
- Pay Card
- Pay Loan
- Top Up (Prepaid Top Up)
- Scheduled (Scheduled Transactions)
- Profile - Account
- Profile - Settings
- CO2 Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Cash Advance
- PB Flexipay
- Loyalty (Loyalty Card)
- Calculator
- Appointment
- PB Journey
- Wealth (Wealth Management)
- Apply – Others (Card, Home/ Vehicle, Solar or Share Trading/ Margin Financing)
- Remit
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
PBe Online Banking
- PBe Registration
- About PBe
- DuitNow Transfer
- Migrating to PB enterprise
- PB eFixed Deposit Account
- PBe Challenge Questions and Answers
- How to Report Fraud
- Security Concerns
- System Requirements
- Subsequent Logins
- User ID and Password
- Problem Logging In
- General PBe Services
- E-Statement
- E-Standing Instruction
- Transfer Fund Within Public Bank
- Transfer Fund to Other Banks
- Bill Payment
- Foreign Remittance
- GST Tax Invoice
- Investment
- eIPO
- eRights
- Miscellanous Services
- SecureSign Token
- Transaction On Hold
- Profile Maintenance
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Fees & Charges
E-Standing Instruction
What is E-SI?
E-Standing Instruction is a convenient service that makes automated payments of a fixed amount to a loan, bill, or credit card at a pre-set time and date. You can schedule a one off payment or repeated payments with E-SI.
Who can apply for E-SI?
Any PBe customer with a current/savings account can apply.
What is the daily transfer limit for E-SI?
E-Standing Instruction is subjected to your daily fund transfer limit. Please refer here for the daily transaction limits.
Are there any service charges for E-SI?
Service charge is free for E-SI funds transfers within Public Bank accounts. Standard Fees & Charges apply for transfer to other banks.
How do I create an E-SI?
Please follow these steps below:-
- Choose Account
- Click on ‘E-Standing Instruction (E-SI)
- Click on ‘Create E-SI
- Choose your transaction type
- Fill in the details :-
- From Account
- Beneficiary short name
- Amount (RM)
- First Effective Date
- Frequency
- Occurrence(s)
- Click on ‘Next’
- Verify details entered
- Authorise the transaction with PB SecureSign or SecureSign Token
- Click on ‘Confirm’
How do I delete a scheduled E-SI?
You manage your E-SI by deleting an entire E-SI or delete specific transactions within your created E-SI.
- To delete an entire E-SI, please follow these steps below:-
- Choose Account
- Click on ‘E-Standing Instruction (E-SI)
- Click on ‘Manage E-SI’
- Choose the E-SI that you want to delete
- Click on ‘Delete’
- To delete a specific transaction within your E-SI, please follow these steps below:-
- Choose Account
- Click on E-Standing Instruction (E-SI)
- Click on Manage E-SI
- Choose the E-SI you want to manage
- Click on ‘View Details’
- Choose which specific transactions scheduled date that you want delete
- Click on ‘Delete’