- Overview
- Home
- Security Concerns
- Account (Account Summary)
- Accounts (Statement)
- Transaction Authentication - PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication - SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Card
- Pay Bill
- Pay Loan / Financing
- Prepaid Top Up
- DuitNow ID
- Cash Advance
- Redraw Facility
- Balance Transfer
- Change Password
- Change Mailing Address
- Add/Delete Account
- Change Personal Login Phrase
- Request Cheque Book
- Stop Cheque Request
- Enquire Cheque Status
- Register Positive Pay
- Terminate Positive Pay
- Insert Positive Pay
- Enquire Positive Pay
- Create PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card PIN
- Create Credit Card PIN
- Renew PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card
- Update Credit Card Information
- Cancel / Report Lost Card
- Card Opt Out / In Status
- Overseas ATM Withdrawal
- Contactless Transaction Alert Limit
- MyDebit Limit
- DuitNow Online Banking / Wallets
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Unexplained Funds In Account
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- Overview
- Security Concerns
- Home
- Account (Account Summary)
- Transaction Authentication : PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication : SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Bill
- Scan (QR)
- Pay Card
- Pay Loan
- Top Up (Prepaid Top Up)
- Scheduled (Scheduled Transactions)
- Profile - Account
- Profile - Settings
- CO2 Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Cash Advance
- PB Flexipay
- Loyalty (Loyalty Card)
- Calculator
- Appointment
- PB Journey
- Wealth (Wealth Management)
- Apply – Others (Card, Home/ Vehicle, Solar or Share Trading/ Margin Financing)
- Remit
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- PBe Registration
- About PBe
- DuitNow Transfer
- Migrating to PB enterprise
- PB eFixed Deposit Account
- PBe Challenge Questions and Answers
- How to Report Fraud
- Security Concerns
- System Requirements
- Subsequent Logins
- User ID and Password
- Problem Logging In
- General PBe Services
- E-Statement
- E-Standing Instruction
- Transfer Fund Within Public Bank
- Transfer Fund to Other Banks
- Bill Payment
- Foreign Remittance
- GST Tax Invoice
- Investment
- eIPO
- eRights
- Miscellanous Services
- SecureSign Token
- Transaction On Hold
- Profile Maintenance
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Fees & Charges
PBe Registration
This service enables Public Bank customers to register for access to the Bank’s Online Banking Services, PBe.
No. You can only register via PBe.
To register for PBe, you must have a Temporary ID and Password upon subscription for PBe at branches and ATM.
The following cards are eligible to perform PBe registration via ATM:
- PB ATM Card
- PB Debit Card
- PB Credit Card
(Principle & Supplementary Card with combine and separate statements)
Your PBe User ID must meet the following criteria:
- Between 6 to 12 characters
- First and second characters must be alphabetical letters
- No spaces allowed
Your Password must meet the following criteria:
- Between 8 to 12 characters
- Contain at least one alphabetical letter
- Contain at least one number
- Contain at least one special character
- No spaces allowed
The PLP is a user predefined secret word(s) that will be displayed at the login screen after you enter your User ID.
Do not use your User ID and Password as your PLP.
Your PLP should range between 13 to 20 alpha-numeric characters including special characters (` ~ ! @ $ % ^ * _ = + [ ] | ; : . / ? ).
In order to prevent malicious requests attempted by bots, you are required to enter a 6-digit alphanumeric code displayed in the box (example below) before you proceed.
If you are unsure of the characters displayed, you may click the refresh button to refresh the code.
They will be used to authenticate your identity when you contact our Customer Support in the future. You are advised to remember the answer to your selected question.
PB Credit / Debit Card customers will have registered their mobile number as their OTP number while customers who subscribe for PBe at branches will have their mobile numbers registered as their PAC number. Both OTP and PAC are used to receive authentication codes for transaction approval.
No. During authentication, an SMS will be sent to your registered OTP number to approve your PBe Registration. Upon successful PBe Registration, your OTP number shall also be registered as your PAC number.
You may re-apply for a new PBe access at your account holding branch.
No. During authentication, challenge codes will be displayed on the screen. You may enter the SecureSign Code generated on your token to approve your PBe Registration.
Your Temporary ID is only valid for 30 days. Kindly re-apply for a new PBe access at your account holding branch.
Customers who wish to access Online and Mobile Banking services must first complete PBe Registration.
You have exceeded the number of attempts allowed. Please contact our PBe Customer Support at 03-2170 8000 for assistance.
No. Once your User ID has been created, it cannot be modified.
Yes, you can change your Password, Memorable Question, Personal Login Phrase and email address via Profile Maintenance > Manage Profile.