Browse by Topic
- Overview
- Home
- Security Concerns
- Account (Account Summary)
- Accounts (Statement)
- Transaction Authentication - PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication - SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Card
- Pay Bill
- Pay Loan / Financing
- Prepaid Top Up
- DuitNow ID
- Cash Advance
- Redraw Facility
- Balance Transfer
- Change Password
- Change Mailing Address
- Add/Delete Account
- Change Personal Login Phrase
- Request Cheque Book
- Stop Cheque Request
- Enquire Cheque Status
- Register Positive Pay
- Terminate Positive Pay
- Insert Positive Pay
- Enquire Positive Pay
- Create PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card PIN
- Create Credit Card PIN
- Renew PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card
- Update Credit Card Information
- Cancel / Report Lost Card
- Card Opt Out / In Status
- Overseas ATM Withdrawal
- Contactless Transaction Alert Limit
- MyDebit Limit
- DuitNow Online Banking / Wallets
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Unexplained Funds In Account
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
MyPB App
- Overview
- Security Concerns
- Home
- Account (Account Summary)
- Transaction Authentication : PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication : SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Bill
- Scan (QR)
- Pay Card
- Pay Loan
- Top Up (Prepaid Top Up)
- Scheduled (Scheduled Transactions)
- Profile - Account
- Profile - Settings
- CO2 Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Cash Advance
- PB Flexipay
- Loyalty (Loyalty Card)
- Calculator
- Appointment
- PB Journey
- Wealth (Wealth Management)
- Apply – Others (Card, Home/ Vehicle, Solar or Share Trading/ Margin Financing)
- Remit
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
PBe Online Banking
- PBe Registration
- About PBe
- DuitNow Transfer
- Migrating to PB enterprise
- PB eFixed Deposit Account
- PBe Challenge Questions and Answers
- How to Report Fraud
- Security Concerns
- System Requirements
- Subsequent Logins
- User ID and Password
- Problem Logging In
- General PBe Services
- E-Statement
- E-Standing Instruction
- Transfer Fund Within Public Bank
- Transfer Fund to Other Banks
- Bill Payment
- Foreign Remittance
- GST Tax Invoice
- Investment
- eIPO
- eRights
- Miscellanous Services
- SecureSign Token
- Transaction On Hold
- Profile Maintenance
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Fees & Charges
Security Concerns
How safe are transactions performed on PBe?
PBe utilises a Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. The encryption ensures your User ID, password and banking transactions remain confidential. Rest assured, every transaction is fully secured.
How do I keep my computer secure?
We recommend you to regularly update your operating system for new patches, fixes and enhancements.
You may also need to ensure that your computer is protected with:
- Anti-virus software
- Anti-spyware software
- Firewall software or hardware
Can I access PBe Internet Banking using a public PC?
Please refrain from accessing PBe using public / shared PCs or even through public Wi-Fi hotspots. These mediums are not secure and may be vulnerable to hacking attempts.
Why does it take such a long time to load webpages on PBe?
The slow response you are experiencing could be caused by any of the following reasons:
- You may not be using the recommended browser, operating system or hardware
- Your Internet Service Provider, Local Area Network (LAN) or our system may be experiencing heavy traffic
- Your computer may be infected by malicious programs, rootkit, viruses or spywares
- Your browser’s cache memory may be cluttered. View below to check how you can clear your browser's cache.
How do I prevent others from viewing my transaction information?
The best way is to clear your browser’s cache memory after each transaction.
How do I clear my browser’s cache memory?
- For Mozilla Firefox:
- Select “Tools” (located at the top of your browser’s window)
- Choose “Options”
- Click “Privacy & Security”
- Click “Clear Data” under the “Cookies and Site Data”
- Check the box for “Cached Web Content”
- Click “Clear”
- Close and reopen your Mozilla Firefox
- For Google Chrome:
- Click the “Tool menu” (three dotted lines in the upper-right corner)
- Click “More tools” > “Clear browsing data”
- Choose a time range. Select “All time” to delete everything
- Check boxes for “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files”
- Click “Clear data”
- Close and reopen your Google Chrome
- For Opera:
- Click “Setting”
- Click “Privacy & Security”
- Click “Clear browsing data”
- Check the boxes of “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files”
- Click “Clear browsing data”
- Close and reopen your Opera
- For Safari:
- Click on “Safari” on the top menu bar
- Click “Preferences”
- Click “Privacy tab”
- Click “Manage Website Data”
- Click “Remove All”
- Click “Remove Now”
- Close and reopen your Safari