In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we recognise your concern to service the credit card debts during this critical period.

Hence, we have several financial assistances in place for you to relief your financial burden.

  1. Conversion of Credit Card Debt to Term Loan/Financing

    Wish to reduce monthly commitment in servicing your credit card debt? You may apply to convert your latest statement balance up to 36 months’ Term Loan/Financing at an interest rate of 13% per annum. Please apply here

    Eligibility Criteria

    1. Individual is not a bankrupt; AND
    2. Credit card account is active and performing (not in arrears exceeding 90 days) at the point of application

    Report to the Police if there are any financial losses and provide the Police Report to the bank for reference.

  2. Credit Card / Credit Card-i Repayment Assistance 2022 (RA 2022)

    Facing difficulties in servicing your credit card balances that have been converted Term Loan/Financing and need further financial assistance? If you have converted your credit card balances to Term Loan/Financing, you may apply for RA 2022 subjected to all criteria below:

    1. Credit card balances that have been converted to Term Loan / Financing
    2. Term Loan/Financing is Performing (not in arrears exceeding 90 days) at the point of opt-in confirmation
    3. Individual is not a bankrupt