PB Cancer Complete (This is an insurance product)

AIA Bhd. is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia.
The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System ("TIPS") Brochure or contact AIA Bhd. or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

The Plan that Covers All Stages of Cancer

Introducing PB Cancer Complete, a unique and comprehensive cancer protection plan that covers you from early to advanced stages of cancer.

Here’s what PB Cancer Complete provides you:

  • Early Stage Cancer Benefit and Early Care Reward upon diagnosis of Early Stage Cancer
  • Power Reset feature that restores your sum assured to the full amount 12 months after your diagnosis of Early Stage Cancer
  • Cancer Benefit and Cancer Recovery Income upon diagnosis of cancer
  • Compassionate Benefit Upon Death
  • Maturity Benefit of 100% of sum assured
How Does PB Cancer Complete Work?
  • Comprehensive Cancer Protection
    PB Cancer Complete provides coverage for Early Stage Cancer and Cancer up to age 80 to support you financially in your journey to recovery.

  • When you are diagnosed with Early Stage Cancer

    • Early Stage Cancer Benefit1

      • You will receive a one-off payment valued at 35% of your sum assured.
    • Early Care Reward1

      • You will also receive an Early Care Reward valued at 15% of the sum assured 12 months after your date of diagnosis. This payment will support you in your Early Stage Cancer recovery.

    • Power Reset
      • This feature restores your sum assured to the full amount 12 months after being diagnosed with Early Stage Cancer.
      • This allows you to resume full coverage against Cancer for the remaining term of your plan.
  • When you are diagnosed with Cancer2

    • Cancer Benefit3

      • You will receive a one-off payment valued at 100% of your sum assured4.

    • Cancer Recovery Income5

      • In addition, you will receive 20% of your sum assured for the first annual payment and 15% of your sum assured for the second and third annual payment. A total of three payments will be made to help you on your path to recovery.

  • Compassionate Benefit Upon Death6

    • This benefit pays 10% of the sum assured or cash value, whichever is higher upon your death.

  • Maturity Benefit

    • When your plan matures at age 80, AIA Bhd. shall pay you the full sum assured to celebrate this significant milestone in your life.

  • No Waiting Period between Claims

    • Under this plan, you may be eligible to claim a maximum of 200% of the sum assured7, with no waiting period in between claims for Early Stage Cancer Benefit and Cancer Benefit.

  • Cancer Based Underwriting

    • Your eligibility for this plan only takes into consideration your medical condition and family history related to cancer, thus making the approval process simpler.


Early Stage Cancer Benefit and Early Care Reward can only be claimed once. Once you have made a claim under Early Stage Cancer Benefit, AIA Bhd. will reduce the sum assured of your Cancer Benefit by the same amount paid to you.

2 Any mention of Cancer does not include Early Stage Cancer.

3 All the benefits under this plan (with the exception of Cancer Recovery Income) will end once the Cancer Benefit payment is made.

4 If you claim this benefit within 12 months of being diagnosed with Early Stage Cancer, AIA Bhd. will pay you the sum assured after deducting payments for the Early Stage Cancer Benefit.

5 The first Cancer Recovery Income payment will be made 12 months from the date of your diagnosis.

For deaths due to non-accidental causes during the first 2 years, only total premiums paid will be refunded without interest. In the event a Cancer claim is made and approved by AIA Bhd. prior to or at the same time the Compassionate Benefit Upon Death is made, then AIA Bhd. shall only pay the Cancer Benefit and Cancer Recovery Income.

7 This includes 35% sum assured for Early Stage Cancer Benefit, a total of 15% sum assured for Early Care Reward, 100% sum assured for Cancer Benefit and a total of 50% sum assured for Cancer Recovery Income.

The description, benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions described above have been summarised and are not exhaustive. For a detailed explanation on its benefits, terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy contract.

  • This plan is available to individuals aged between 14 days to 60 years old (nearest birthday).
  • However, the minimum age of the policy owner is 16 years old (nearest birthday).

Coverage Term
This plan covers individuals up to the age of 80.

What Are The Major Exclusions For The Product?
  • If the insured, whether sane or insane, commits suicide within 1 year from the issue date or commencement date, whichever is later, AIA Bhd.’s liability shall be limited to the refund of premiums paid without interest. In the case of reinstatement, such refund of premium shall be calculated from the commencement date;
  • Any illness other than Cancer or Early Stage Cancer as defined in the policy contract;
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer for which the signs or symptoms first occurred within 60 days following from the issue date or commencement date of this plan, whichever is later;
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer arises directly or indirectly from a pre-existing condition as defined in the policy contract, which existed prior to the issue date or commencement date of this plan, whichever is later;
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer, where in AIA Bhd.’s opinion, was caused directly or indirectly by the existence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or by the presence of any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. AIA Bhd. reserves the right to require the insured to undergo a blood test for HIV as a condition precedent to acceptance of any claim. The exception is for HIV Infection Due To Blood Transfusion as defined in the policy contract. For the purpose of this plan,
    • The definition of AIDS shall be that used by the World Health Organization in 1987, or any subsequent revision by the World
      Health Organization of that definition;
    • Infection shall be deemed to have occurred where blood or other relevant test(s) indicate in AIA Bhd.’s opinion either the presence of any Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Antibodies to such a virus;
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer which was diagnosed due, directly or indirectly, to a congenital defect or disease, which was manifested or was diagnosed before the insured attains 17 years of age;
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer which was caused by a self-inflicted injury; or
  • Cancer or Early Stage Cancer resulting directly from alcohol or drug abuse.

The description, benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions described above have been summarised and are not exhaustive. For a detailed explanation on its benefits, terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy contract.

This plan is underwritten by AIA Bhd., a licensed insurance company under the Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Contact Details: AIA Bhd. 200701032867 (790895-D) Menara AIA, 99 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

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