This plan is underwritten by AIA Bhd., a licensed insurance company under the Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Contact Details: AIA Bhd. 200701032867 (790895-D) Menara AIA, 99 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
PB Smart Elite (This is an insurance product)
AIA Bhd. is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia.
PROTECTION BY PIDM ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS POLICY/PRODUCT IS(ARE) SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM's Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System ("TIPS") Brochure or contact AIA Bhd. or PIDM (visit

Accumulate wealth with personal protection
PB Smart Elite is a single premium investment-linked insurance plan that provides insurance coverage upon death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD).
It is suitable for those who are looking for an investment plan with minimal insurance coverage. It allows you to enjoy privileged access to unparalleled wealth management expertise to manage your investment through AIA Elite Funds.
What Does PB Smart Elite Offer?
- Investment and Protection in One Plan.
- Potential Growth on AIA Elite Funds Invested.
- Boost Your Investment Value At Any Time
- Simple Enrolment
- Investment and Protection in One Plan.
- A one-time premium payment that covers you up to 100 years old*.
- In the event of Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the higher of the following will be payable:
i. Sum assured plus any top-up premium less any withdrawal amount; or
ii. Account Value
*Provided that the account value is sufficient to pay for the insurance and other charges. TPD coverage is up to age 70.
Details | Entry Age | Sum Assured |
Standard lives |
14 days - 55 years old
56 - 70* years old |
125% of Single Premium
105% of Single Premium |
Sub-standard lives | 14 days - 70* years old | 105% of Single Premium |
* TPD entry age is up to 69 years old
- Potential Growth on AIA Elite Funds Invested.
- AIA Elite Adventurous Fund and AIA Elite Conservative Fund (together known as ‘AIA Elite Funds’) are actively managed by AIA Investment Management, which is a dedicated team of investment professionals, the exclusive investment arm of AIA Group and one of the largest asset managers in Asia-Pacific.
- AIA’s commitment towards active portfolio management, and partnership with leading global investment managers allow AIA to deliver sustainable and consistent long-term investment outcomes to meet your investment objectives.
- The wealth solutions are tailored to suit your goals and risk preferences. Based on your risk tolerance preference, you can choose from 3 types of fund profiles, namely Conservative, Balanced and Adventurous Fund Profile, each with different composition of AIA Elite Funds, to invest in.
- 95% of your single premium will be invested into AIA Elite Funds based on your choice of the available fund profiles.
- You may refer to the AIA Elite Funds Fund Fact Sheet on AIA BHD.'s website at for further details on AIA Elite Funds.
- Boost Your Investment Value At Any Time
- You have the freedom to invest more1 when you have extra money or withdraw2 the money when you need it.
- You can enjoy the flexibility to switch between the different fund profiles at any time according to your risk tolerance level3.
- Simple Enrolment
- Just answer 3 simplified underwriting questions4 upon enrolment with a minimum single premium of RM 30,000.
1You may contribute any ad hoc top-up premium at any time after policy inception with a minimum amount of RM500.
2Referring to partial withdrawal facility – the minimum withdrawal amount is RM1,000 and subject to a minimum account value balance of RM 4,000 after withdrawal.
3Referring to fund switching facility.
4Please refer to Proposal Form on the underwriting questions.
This is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts.
This plan is available to individuals aged between 14 days old and 70* years old. However, the minimum age of policy owner is 18 years old.
*The maximum entry age for TPD coverage is 69 years old.
- Death due to suicide within 1 year from the Issue Date or Commencement Date, whichever is later. AIA Bhd.’s liability shall be limited to the refund of the Account Value together with the total premium charge and Policy Charges deducted from the Issue Date or Commencement Date, whichever is later. Thereafter, the policy shall be terminated.
- Any Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from:
- Willful exposure to danger or attempted self-destruction or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane; or
- Services in the armed forces in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders for warlike operations or restoration of public order; or
- Entering, exiting, operating, or servicing, or being transported by any aerial device or conveyance except when the Insured is a fare-paying passenger or crew member on a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip over its established passenger route; or
- Any congenital defect which has manifested or was diagnosed before the Insured attains 17 years of age; or
- Pre-existing disability resulting from a physical or mental condition.
The description, benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions described above have been summarized and are not exhaustive. For a detailed explanation on its benefits, terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy contract. For AIA Investment-Linked Funds details, please refer to the AIA Fund Fact Sheet in AIA Bhd.'s website at for further details.
- PB Smart Elite brochures

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