An account that offers the convenience of a checking account while letting you enjoy the attractive interest rates provided by a savings account. Truly a smart account that offers you more!

Here's what ACE Account offers you:

  • Ease of opening an account with an initial deposit of RM1,000.
  • Interest is calculated daily and credited monthly.
  • Interest is payable on balances above RM5,000.
  • A consolidated monthly statement is provided, making it easier for you to keep track of your expenditure and manage your account.
  • Easy access to your account through any Public Bank branch, ATM and Public Bank Online / Mobile Banking services.

ACE Account is protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.


Individuals aged 18 years and above.

  • Resident and non-resident
  • Personal and joint account
Rates & Charges

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ACE Enterprise Account

An interest bearing current account that is specially designed for business enterprises, corporations as well as associations which offers attractive interest rates.

Premier ACE Account

A hybrid account that offers interest on balances as provided by a savings account with the convenience of a cheque book facility exclusively catered for Red Carpet Banking (RCB) customers.

PLUS Current Account

Manage your funds with the convenience of a cheque book facility