Profile - Settings

What is Biometric Login?

By enabling Biometric Login, you can login to MyPB App using your Fingerprint, Face ID or Touch ID. This feature can be enabled or disabled based on your own preference.

What is Biometric Approval?

By enabling Biometric Approval, you can approve transactions using your Fingerprint, Face ID or Touch ID along with the 6-digit PIN. This feature can be enabled or disabled based on your own preference.

What is Quick Payment?

Quick Payment is a feature that allows you to access your accounts and perform all types of transfer and payment using biometric authentication/ 6-digit PIN without the need to login PBe using password. You will be prompted to enable Quick Payment during your first-time login on MyPB App.

What is the transaction limit for Quick Payment?

The transaction limit for Quick Payment is up to an accumulated amount of RM 1,000 per day. If you have exceeded the daily transaction limit set for Quick Payment of RM 1,000, you will need to enter your PBe password to complete the transaction. This is a security feature to safeguard your account.

What is DuitNow ID?

By registering your DuitNow ID, it enables you to receive funds to your account using DuitNow ID instead of account number. DuitNow ID can be any of those listed below:

  1. Mobile Number
  2. MyKad Number
  3. Army/ Police ID
  4. Passport Number
  5. Business Registration Number
What is Push Notification?

Push Notification is a secured method of delivering post transaction alerts and notifications via MyPB App. It will be sent to your device even when MyPB App is not launched.

Can I disable the Push Notification?

You can disable the push notification from your device settings. Howewer, it is not recommended to disable this function to ensure all notifications and alerts can be delivered to you in a timely manner.

How do I view and check the notifications sent to me?

You can access all your notifications by tapping the notification icon at the bottom navigation bar. Transactions notification will be stored in your mailbox.

How do I delete notifications on MyPB App?

Unfortunately, at the moment, you will not be able to delete notifications.

What does the Device Binding button mean?

Device Binding will always be toggled on after you perform the initial Login to MyPB App. It is done to bind your PBe profile/ MyPB account to the device. Disabling device binding will unbind your PBe profile/ MyPB account from the device, whereby you will have to go through the whole login process again, including the Registration and Activation of PB SecureSign.