- Overview
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- Transaction Authentication - PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication - SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
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- Cancel / Report Lost Card
- Card Opt Out / In Status
- Overseas ATM Withdrawal
- Contactless Transaction Alert Limit
- MyDebit Limit
- DuitNow Online Banking / Wallets
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Unexplained Funds In Account
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- Overview
- Security Concerns
- Home
- Account (Account Summary)
- Transaction Authentication : PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication : SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Bill
- Scan (QR)
- Pay Card
- Pay Loan
- Top Up (Prepaid Top Up)
- Scheduled (Scheduled Transactions)
- Profile - Account
- Profile - Settings
- CO2 Tracker
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- Cash Advance
- PB Flexipay
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- Calculator
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- Wealth (Wealth Management)
- Apply – Others (Card, Home/ Vehicle, Solar or Share Trading/ Margin Financing)
- Remit
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- PBe Registration
- About PBe
- DuitNow Transfer
- Migrating to PB enterprise
- PB eFixed Deposit Account
- PBe Challenge Questions and Answers
- How to Report Fraud
- Security Concerns
- System Requirements
- Subsequent Logins
- User ID and Password
- Problem Logging In
- General PBe Services
- E-Statement
- E-Standing Instruction
- Transfer Fund Within Public Bank
- Transfer Fund to Other Banks
- Bill Payment
- Foreign Remittance
- GST Tax Invoice
- Investment
- eIPO
- eRights
- Miscellanous Services
- SecureSign Token
- Transaction On Hold
- Profile Maintenance
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Fees & Charges
Contactless Transaction
Yes, if your contactless card has a PIN, the terminal will prompt for PIN after your card is tapped on the contactless reader for transaction amount above a certain limit. However, low-value contactless transactions do not require PIN or signature.
No, not all transactions at point of sale need PIN:
- Low-value contactless transactions do not require PIN.
- Transactions performed at a non-Chip and PIN terminal will still require your signature.
The contactless functionality consists of an embedded computer chip with an antenna that sends the transaction signal wirelessly over a small distance without direct contact between the merchant terminal and the contactless card.
In order to make a payment, just tap your card on a contactless reader which is interfaced to the point of sale terminal when prompted.
No PIN or signature is required for contactless transactions up to RM250 in Malaysia.
Security Features
- The card never leaves your hand
- You are in control of the payment and there is no chance that someone will double swipe or make a copy of your card when you are not looking - Secure chip to prevent counterfeit
- Each contactless transaction includes a unique code generated by the chip in the card that changes with each purchase, thereby preventing fraudsters from replaying information read from the chip to make payments. - Customer verification for higher value purchases
- As contactless technology is designed to offer customers speed and convenience at the cashier, you do not need to sign or enter a PIN for contactless transactions up to RM250 in Malaysia. If the transaction is above RM250, you can still tap the card but PIN or signature is required.
No Cardholder Liability for Contactless Purchases
In the unlikely event of fraud, you will not be held responsible for fraudulent charges or unauthorized purchases made using the contactless feature on your chip card. You must notify us immediately or as soon as reasonably possible of any unauthorized card use or any suspicious activities.
However, you may be held responsible for unauthorized purchases if you were negligent with protecting your card or your PIN.
A contactless card must be very close to the contactless reader at the cashier to work. Your contactless card will only work when the card is within 4cm of the card reader. Furthermore, the reader needs to be enabled by the cashier and this will only happen when the cashier initiates a transaction at the terminal to accept payment. If the contactless reader is not processing a transaction, it will not read any contactless card presented in front of it by mistake
The contactless terminal can only process one transaction at a time. Even if the contactless card is accidentally tapped more than once, you will only get billed once for the transaction.
If you hold your card up to a reader and you have any other contactless payment cards nearby, the reader might detect more than one card and transaction will not be completed. You will be required to do the transaction again.
You should make sure you only hold one card on the reader and always take it out from your wallet.
In the unlikely event that the contactless card security details are read by a fraudster through a rogue contactless reader in close proximity to your pocket or wallet, safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized use of the intercepted card security details. Each contactless transaction includes an unique code that changes with each purchase, which can only be used once and can only be generated by the chip in the original contactless card, and prevents a counterfeit card from being produced from the intercepted card security details.
In the unlikely event of fraud, you will not be held responsible for fraudulent charges or unauthorised purchases made using the contactless feature on your chip card. You must notify us immediately or as soon as reasonably possible of any unauthorised card use or any suspicious activities.
Safeguards are in place to mitigate the use of a lost or stolen contactless card by a fraudster. There is a low contactless transaction limit of RM250, above which the transaction cannot be authorised without cardholder verification – PIN or signature verification.
Transactions are analysed by the card issuer and global payment networks in real-time to identify fraud patterns and detect suspicious transactions. You will not be held responsible for fraudulent charges or unauthorised purchases made using the contactless feature on your chip card. You must notify us immediately or as soon as reasonably possible of any unauthorised card use or any suspicious activities.