- Overview
- Home
- Security Concerns
- Account (Account Summary)
- Accounts (Statement)
- Transaction Authentication - PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication - SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Card
- Pay Bill
- Pay Loan / Financing
- Prepaid Top Up
- DuitNow ID
- Cash Advance
- Redraw Facility
- Balance Transfer
- Change Password
- Change Mailing Address
- Add/Delete Account
- Change Personal Login Phrase
- Request Cheque Book
- Stop Cheque Request
- Enquire Cheque Status
- Register Positive Pay
- Terminate Positive Pay
- Insert Positive Pay
- Enquire Positive Pay
- Create PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card PIN
- Create Credit Card PIN
- Renew PB RCB / PB Lifestyle Debit Card
- Update Credit Card Information
- Cancel / Report Lost Card
- Card Opt Out / In Status
- Overseas ATM Withdrawal
- Contactless Transaction Alert Limit
- MyDebit Limit
- DuitNow Online Banking / Wallets
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Unexplained Funds In Account
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- Overview
- Security Concerns
- Home
- Account (Account Summary)
- Transaction Authentication : PB SecureSign (Digital Token)
- Transaction Authentication : SecureSign Token (Physical Token)
- Send Money
- Pay Bill
- Scan (QR)
- Pay Card
- Pay Loan
- Top Up (Prepaid Top Up)
- Scheduled (Scheduled Transactions)
- Profile - Account
- Profile - Settings
- CO2 Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Cash Advance
- PB Flexipay
- Loyalty (Loyalty Card)
- Calculator
- Appointment
- PB Journey
- Wealth (Wealth Management)
- Apply – Others (Card, Home/ Vehicle, Solar or Share Trading/ Margin Financing)
- Remit
- eFixed Deposit (eFD) / eTerm Deposit-i (eTD-i)
- PBe Registration
- About PBe
- DuitNow Transfer
- Migrating to PB enterprise
- PB eFixed Deposit Account
- PBe Challenge Questions and Answers
- How to Report Fraud
- Security Concerns
- System Requirements
- Subsequent Logins
- User ID and Password
- Problem Logging In
- General PBe Services
- E-Statement
- E-Standing Instruction
- Transfer Fund Within Public Bank
- Transfer Fund to Other Banks
- Bill Payment
- Foreign Remittance
- GST Tax Invoice
- Investment
- eIPO
- eRights
- Miscellanous Services
- SecureSign Token
- Transaction On Hold
- Profile Maintenance
- Daily Transaction Limit
- Fees & Charges
MyPB is Public Bank's new online banking platform that provides customers with a modern, intuitive and secure banking experience.
All individuals with access to PBe can use MyPB with their existing PBe User ID and password.
No, you do not need new login credentials. You may log in with your existing PBe User ID and password through the same login link.
MyPB is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
To use MyPB, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Possess any of the following Public Bank products:
- Savings Account
- Current Account
- Loans or Hire Purchase Account
- Credit Card
- Fixed Deposit Account
- PB R-NID Account
- Gold Investment Account
After logging into PBe, you are able to switch to MyPB by clicking on the “Try the New MyPB” link on the left of the logout button in the top right corner.
You can switch back to PBe anytime that you want to by clicking on “Return to PBe” button and all existing banking features will still be available on PBe. However, we would encourage you to use MyPB, which is more user-friendly.
The information that you had saved on PBe will also be available on MyPB. This includes all of your accounts and billers that you had saved as favourite.
Yes, there are no changes to your bank account details.
Don’t worry, your recurring transaction / payment details set at PBe are also available on MyPB.
To ensure an optimal browsing experience, we recommend updating your browser to the latest version.
Here are some possible steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
- Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
- Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
- Try accessing the website from a different device or browser.
- Ensure that your web browser is up to date.
You are able to access MyPB as long as your device has an internet browser and access to an internet connection.
PBe Challenge Questions enrolment is for you to set up questions and answers that only you know, to provide an extra layer of security to protect your account. If the Bank detects any unusual activity or transactions that are deemed high risk, you will be prompted with the challenge questions for authentication.
Yes, the enrolment is made mandatory for all customers using Public Bank’s online and mobile banking platforms. For new users, it will be prompted upon their first time login. For existing Bank customers, it will only be prompted if the users have not previously enrolled for PBe Challenge Questions on any of the Bank’s online or mobile banking platforms.
No, each answer must be unique in order to ensure higher security.