Daily Transaction Limit

Daily Transaction Limit

Click here to view the daily transaction limits. 

How do I update my daily transaction limit?

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Select ‘Settings’
  2. Select ‘Profile’
  3. Select 'Manage Transaction Limit'
  4. Enter your preferred daily limit on the respective transaction type and click 'Next'
  5. Verify the details and approve via PB SecureSign or SecureSign Token
Am I subject to a cooling-off period when I increase my daily limit in MyPB?

Yes, you will be subject to a cooling-off period* depending on the daily limit you are adjusting.

  • Own Account Transfer limit: 1-hour cooling-off period
  • Third Party Fund Transfer limit: 12-hour cooling-off period
  • Bill Payment limit: 12-hour cooling-off period
  • JomPAY limit: 12-hour cooling-off period
  • Prepaid limit: no cooling-off period
  • FPX/DuitNow Online Banking/Wallets limit: 12-hour cooling-off period

*All cooling-off period are subject to change when deemed required by the Bank.

Can I perform financial transactions when my daily limit is undergoing cooling-off period?

Yes. You may transact up to your existing daily limit.

For example, when increasing your Third Party Fund Transfer limit from RM3,000.00 to RM20,000.00, the new limit of RM20,000.00 will undergo 12-hour cooling-off period, during which you may perform Third Party Fund Transfer up to your existing limit of RM3,000.00 per day.

Can I change my daily limit again if it is undergoing cooling-off period?

Yes. You will have to cancel your change limit request. Subsequently, submit a new request.

For example, you increased your Bill Payment limit from RM10,000.00 to RM30,000.00. This new limit of RM30,000.00 will undergo 12-hour cooling-off period. During this cooling-off period, if you have changed your mind, you may cancel it at the Change Limit screen following step-by-step guide below:

  1. Login to PBe
  2. Select Profile Maintenance > Manage Profile > Change Limit > Change Daily Limit
  3. Select ‘Bill Payment’ and ‘Cancel Change Request’
  4. Select ‘Yes, cancel it’.
Is there any cooling-off period for reducing daily limit?

No. All transactions to reduce daily limit will take immediate effect.